As photographers we need to possess the ability to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds in all fields of photography.
The year is 2012 and most people have access to the internet, whether it be via a computer,laptop, smart phone or an ipad; whatever it may be people are hooked on keeping up-to-date and social media.
These days most people go straight to the Internet to find something they require, no more of that flicking through the yellows page circling businesses (which you then have to call to find out who and what they are about). It is so easy to type into google “Brisbane Wedding Photographer” that the yellow pages brick of a book has been pushed aside *(first person to find out who holds the #1 ranking on the google search engine gets a hugs).
Living in the technology driven world means social networking is our best friend and we should learn to live & work with it in our day-to-day business.
Sure it's not for everyone but don't be so quick to pass by this amazing marketing tool. It allows us as photographers to sell who we are and what we are all about. People think that they are buying an image, but at the end of the day they are hiring you & everything that makes you, you....
You see that decisive moment differently to someone else and you press the shutter... Then comes the images...
Marketing and Branding yourself are such vital ingredients in making a successful business.
Know who you are & your niche markets
Know what type of client you want...
When you know your client/audience you can build & retain relationships with them by the click of a button.
Christine Pokbe for example is very smart with her online presence. She is letting the world see who she is, she knows her target market and she uses social media/networking to let her clients get to know who she is. You have to watch this video she is just the cutest, loveliest person.. I know that if I had children I’d hire Christine.
Check out her Website, blog & facebook
I recently attended the Brisbane AIPP Hair of the Dog event where many great photographers and people in the photographic industry gave time to share their knowledge. A key piece of information
that I recall hearing over and over again is that Social Media is a power tool that needs to be an active part of a photographers business. Photographers from all different fields utilise social media sites in different ways and it's working for them....
Below are a few of the most used social networking sites.
If you know any other great site please leave a comment..
Sharing is caring
Jazzy x
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